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OCT Wholeness: The Series

Welcome to our brand new series!

Wholeness: building capacity for times of chaos and disruption

This learning series brings the practices of integration and polarity management together as a foundation for addressing and transforming polarization, disconnection and the breakdown of social cohesion in the public arena. Based on the premise that change begins with you, There are 3 live virtual workshops in the series, and you can take one or all of them, depending on your interest. All workshops are 3.5 hours long and include resources, videos, exercises and tools on membership in an online learning platform to participate with others.

You are registering for the full 3 workshop series.

  • Workshop 1: Inviting space – exploring joy and positivity in dark times (Oct 11, 2022)
  • Workshop 2: Inviting lightness – exploring humour and play in dark times (Oct 18, 2022)
  • Workshop 3: Inviting balance – exploring strengths and shadows in dark times (Nov 8, 2022)

All workshops are 3.5 hours long from 11:00 AM-2:30 PM eastern time.