Bravely Lead


Grow your skills and knowledge to bravely lead challenging conversations.

Work together with others to lead Brave, Honest Conversations™ about the issues that matter most, get better results and create lasting change.

"For me, the biggest challenge is that much of the content presumes we live in a post-racial, more equitable society. I appreciated Stephani making the effort to update the content through her examples. I feel less intimidated to put myself into a situation where I might encounter higher emotions, and I feel that I may have additional strategies, now, that may help to prevent some public emotion in the first place. I'd like to keep learning and practicing this more. Thank you for the great course, Stephani! I really enjoyed it."


Current Workshops on offer

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IAP2 Strategies for Opposition & Outrage in Public Participation

Currently this course is not available as in-person training, but will be online soon.

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The world needs a different kind of leader

Brave, Honest Conversations:

Facilitating the tough issues of our times.

Currently this course is not available as in-person training, but will be online soon.

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Brave Spark Leadership

Visionaries, disrupters, changemakers, leaders - and you?

You are invited to join the wild topography of leadership.

We encourage disruptors, visionaries, social change leaders and innovators to apply. This 6-month leadership program is for those who want to shake up the status quo and create positive impact. It will expand and change your leadership to make change in the complex, turbulent times we live in.

We warmly welcome your diversity. Our deep, experiential leadership program expands your skills, knowledge and ways of being to be the best leader you can be. The time is now. Learn more here.

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Convene: Holding Space for Brave, Honest Conversations

A three-day experience about how to design and hold space for brave, honest conversations about challenging issues.

We live in times of polarization where the space between people is getting further and further apart, and conversations often end up in an “us versus them” arena. It’s time we brought people together in new and different ways.

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Giving and Receiving Feedback to Grow People, Performance and Relationships

A one-day workshop designed to build skills, comfort and confidence to talk about important issues in your organization.

People are not born knowing how to talk about tough stuff, and too often feedback is given in ways that damage performance and confidence and weaken team effectiveness. We need a way of working in teams that create space for courage, connection and compassion.

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Courageous Leadership for the Public Arena

A one-day workshop designed to build skills, knowledge and mindset to bravely lead
challenging conversations in the public arena

This course is for leaders willing to have brave, honest conversations so they can find long-term challenges to the solutions they face in their work, organizations and community.

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For custom intensive workshops tailored for your group and organization where we create strategy and build skills for brave, honest conversations and tough issues you are facing, contact us today.


" I enjoyed this workshop so much Steph. You create a safe experience for participants to explore what brave means to them, articulate their strengths."

"Stephani was a fantastic instructor. She really held the room and shared personal stories about outrage and overcoming obstacles in her career. For someone who struggles with self-care and coping with engagement "outrage" I really appreciated and enjoyed her openness to discuss those issues and how they can be overcome. "

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